March 2020 • Provo, Utah
Every year around Easter, Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, and Methodist worshippers take a pilgrimage through 14 pieces of art inside their own churches. They walk the Stations of the Cross, which tell the story of Christ’s path to the Crucifixion. In so doing, they walk Christ’s path and carry his cross with him.
This is an unfamiliar liturgy for most adherents of Mormonism. But we wanted to try walking this path. We made a few changes to the traditional Stations of the Cross to reflect Latter-Day Saint beliefs and invited 14 incredible artists to interpret of the stations through their own lens.
Now we invite you to walk this path with us. Follow the stations around the gallery to walk the road to crucifxion. How does each artist depict their part of the story? What does it mean to you to take this journey?
Casey Jex Smith
Erik Bremer
Daenen Rolapp
Ryan Simmons
Annie Poon
Emma Lyon
Kirsten Anderson
Alexander Woods
Andi Pitcher Davis
Camilla Stark
Jeremiah Tuchyner
Hayley Morrisson
Lisa DeLong