A Collection of Eternities
Updated: Feb 6, 2022
by Sunny

I wish I had
the gift
of tongues
So I could hear
the hearts
of men
And soothe and heal
the cries
of souls
That search and want
for the comfort
of God.
I would hold
them in my arms
and whisper
in their mother's
The love and hope
I hold
for them.
But I do not have
the gift
of tongues
I cannot hear
the hearts
of men.
I have but my own
heart and tongue
not yet a mother's
I have this hope
and love
It leaks
out of me in waves
with nowhere
to go.
So I give
it to God
who knows
where it is needed
In the hope
that They give
it to the hearts
of men
that need it most.
I glimpsed you
In the white room
I caught my breath
You stole my soul
I whispered in my second tongue
You held my face and smiled
In the white room
We were alone
I held you and felt your curls
Much like your living sister's
I was suspiciously alone
Until you showed and another
Sat across from me
Much older and so familiar
She grasped my hand
And you nestled your face in my dress
You both died at the same age
Though years and years apart
Almost seven days full
Never leaving the wires and tubes
But then the Lord took you
To rest on that last day
Your mothers mourned
And we all missed you so
But in that room across the world
The white room that is
You and your uncle’s sister sat with me
Free of all mortal bounds
In the garden
Would she do it?
If it meant she could rise up past the stars?
Could she leave the splendor
Comfort, rest, and peace?
Her husband slumbered in the shade,
She couldn't leave him too.
She thought she could see him in her mind
Exalted, brave, eyes glowing with love as he stood
Beside her, clothed in the white robes of their Father.
The serpent whispered
Twisting and sly
Leave it all and come to me
I can give you greater power still.
It was not as appetizing as the fruit
Which glistened in the noonday sun
Sweet and rich, perfect as can be
As everything else here was.
She glanced at her hands,
Smooth and unscarred.
What was a scar, anyways?
What was life? What was joy?
What was fear? What was death?
Before she could doubt herself, she bit
And juice dripped down her chin as her mind
Opened and her eyes could See.
Energy filled her and she grasped her beloved arms
Confused, he searched her ecstasy, and understanding
Blossomed as he joined her in her knowledge.
The two new mortals embraced and cried
They knew now what was to come.
They said farewell to their home and Father
And set off as all children should.

About the Author
Sunny is a college student majoring in English Education and an amateur writer who has always been entranced by poetry. A lifelong member of the LDS Church, she writes primarily about her own spirituality, relationship with God, and religious experiences, and writes fantasy prose on the side. You can read her work on Twitter at @sunnystarpoetry.