
All ye who write, and all who wonder -
Seek ye Light from courts above.
A Dove that shakes the earth like thunder
Will bear it down on wings of love.
See with eyes of Grace and Truth:
Write wind, scribe streams, move mountains.
"Do what ye have seen me do,
And light will be to thee a fountain."
From whence have we this Living Water?
From Christ, The Lord, who went before;
And all God's precious sons and daughters
Who spoke this Truth: Go. Do. Be more.
The night of darkness now is over!
The seal of Heaven is rent in twain!
The earth is bright from light above her
As Jacob's Ladder descends again!
Young men shall dream, old men see visions -
Seers rejoice in light-filled souls.
Thru art, the devils, 'tho in derision
Will fall to Odes and Oracles.

About the Author
Once a mighty warrior in the pre-existence, Gazelem retired and came to earth to get a body and explore the arts. Outside of Latter-day Saint art and literature, you can find him writing and editing for and playing keys for Michael Barrow & The Tourists.